The Season 2023-24 Subscription Concerts has been announced!

Bach Collegium Japan is now accepting new subscription members and Society/Friends members for the season 2023-2024.

Please click here to apply for each membership.

The season will open with the “Matthew Passion,” a must-hear work on Lent. This year, we invite the Tokyo Boys and Girls Choir as soprano in Lipieno. Please look forward to a different sound of Matthew Passion from that of last year.

Two of the six performances are programs that appreciate Bach’s masterpiece of church cantatas.
In July, commemorating exactly the 300th anniversary of Bach’s appointment as Thomas Kantor in Leipzig, BCJ will focus mainly on cantatas from the period of his appointment, including Cantata No. 147, well known for the famous chorale, “Jesus bleibet meine Freude”. The countertenor soloist, Alexander Chance, who has also received great acclaim at the Europe Grand Tour 2022, will be invited for the first time for the subscription concert.

In November, we will present a program of gorgeous cantatas in anticipation of Christmas and the New Year. In particular, Cantata No. 190 “Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied”, restored by Masato Suzuki, will be performed for the first time in many years, and the three trumpets and timpani will add to the color and splendor of Bach’s music.

In May, Carolyn Sampson and Marianne Beate Kielland will be invited to perform Händel’s oratorio masterpiece “Resurrection” for the first time.

The September concert will feature Schubert’s Mass, a masterpiece of Romantic religious music. With the knowledge of Tomohei Hori, a leading Schubert scholar, BCJ will explore new musicality. Schubert with original instruments and transparent chorus will definitely be a special experience.

The final work of the 2023-24 season will be the “John Passion” (the Second Version in 1725). The Second Version differs in many respects from the widely performed the Fourth and Score Versions, making it a rare opportunity to hear it performed. Please do not miss this opportunity.

Bach Collegium Japan will continue to take on new musical challenges in the 2023-2012 season!

BCJ 9月・11月定期公演チケット発売開始


加えて、バッハには珍しいイタリア語のソロ・カンタータ2曲をお届けするほか、鈴木 優人によるオルガン独奏《オルガン協奏曲イ短調BWV593》は
《レクイエム》と並んで最も美しい宗教曲と称される《ミサ曲 ハ短調》をお届けします。

鈴木雅明特別インタビュー 「ルター500プロジェクト」にむけて



