2025-2026シーズン ラインナップ発表!



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 音楽監督・鈴木雅明が強い想いでバッハ・コレギウム・ジャパンを創設してから35年の節目を迎える2025-26シーズン。今年は新進気鋭のテノール歌手 吉田志門をエヴァンゲリストに迎えるほか、世界各地の歌劇場や音楽祭で引く手数多のバリトン歌手 ヨッヘン・クプファーがイエス役を務めます。また、アルトにはマリアンネ・ベアーテ・キーラントが登場。久々に女性歌手がアルトソロを務めます。

 今シーズンはバッハ・コレギウム・ジャパンが初めて《ロ短調ミサ》を演奏してから25年の節目でもあります。首席指揮者・鈴木優人の指揮で、初めて演奏した地であるサントリーホール 大ホールにて皆様をお迎えします。世界中で騒乱が止まない今の時代に聴く、終曲の「われらに平和を与えたまえ (Dona nobis pacem)」はどんな言葉でも表せない豊かさをもって響きます。

 10月には、「コラールカンタータ300年」プロジェクトの第8回公演として、1724年に作曲された珠玉のコラールカンタータを4曲取り上げます。久々の共演となるソプラノ歌手 クリステン・ウィットマーの歌声にも注目です。



 2026年3月は、足掛け2年にわたって鈴木雅明が全身全霊で取り組んできた「コラールカンタータ300年」プロジェクトの満尾となる公演。2023年のBCJオペラシリーズ《ジュリオ・チェーザレ》にて主演をつとめ大好評を博したカウンターテナー ティム・ミードをソリストとして招き、40曲のコラールカンタータへの巡礼に有終の美を飾ります。




──音楽監督 鈴木雅明

※2025年9月6日(土) 調布・2025年9月7日(日)神戸 開催「コラールカンタータ300年⑦」と、2025年10月19日(日)東京オペラシティ・2025年10月18日(土)神戸 開催「コラールカンタータ300年⑧」につきまして、一部曲目の入れ替えがございます。

2025年9月6日(土) 調布・2025年9月7日(日)神戸開催
カンタータ第26番《ああいかに儚き、いかに虚しきものよ》BWV 26
カンタータ第121番《キリストを誉め讃えよう、喜ばしく》BWV 121
カンタータ第139番《幸いなるかな、神に身を委ねる者》BWV 139
カンタータ第180番《装いせよ、おお愛する魂よ》BWV 180

カンタータ第5番《私は、どこに逃れることができよう?》BWV 5
カンタータ第8番《愛する御神よ、いつ我は死なん》BWV 8
カンタータ第91番《誉め讃えられよ、イエス・キリスト》BWV 91
カンタータ第130番《主なる神よ、我ら皆あなたを讃えます》BWV 130

Bach Collegium Japan announces the lineup for the 2024-2025 season!

The Bach Collegium Japan is pleased to announce the lineup for the 2024-2025 season!

In addition to the six subscription concerts, the 2024-2025 season will mark the 300th anniversary of Bach’s choral cantatas with the “The 300th Anniversary Project of Choral Cantatas”.

New members will be accepted from November 3 (Fri).

Details will be announced at a later date.

◆About The 300th Anniversary Project of Choral Cantatas

 Bach moved to Leipzig in 1723, and from May of the following year, 1724, to the end of March of the following year, he composed exactly 40 special cantatas called “choral cantata”. Choral are hymns sung by the congregation in chorus, and although church cantatas are more or less related to choral, the cantatas of this year are called by this name because they had a special structure.
 In fact, 40 choral cantatas were written in 1724 because that year fell exactly 200 years after 1524, when the religious reformer Martin Luther, in collaboration with many musicians, published several hymnals for the congregation to sing, It was recognized as the “year of the establishment of hymns. So this must have been a celebration of the bicentennial of the establishment of the hymnal. Now, 300 years later, in commemoration of the 500th anniversary of Luther’s hymnody and the 300th anniversary of Bach’s choral cantatas, we, the Bach Collegium Japan, would like to perform 40 choral cantatas during the two years from 2024 to 2025.

──Music Director Masaaki Suzuki

◆About the subscription concerts

 Each year, the BCJ’s new season begins with Good Friday and Holy Saturday of the 2024-25 season, the last week of March, and will be conducted by Principal Conductor Masato Suzuki, who performed the “Matthew Passion” to great acclaim in the Netherlands in 2023. In addition, Benjamin Bruns, who served as Evangelist for the 2019 re-recording (which won a Gramophone Award), will appear on the BCJ’s “Matthew Passion” stage for the first time.

 May’s Church Cantata Series (vol. 85) commemorates the 500th anniversary of Luther’s hymnody and the 300th anniversary of Bach’s choral cantatas, and is the first in a series of “choral cantata projects” to be launched with a two-year dry run. Please pay attention!

 In July, the first of the “B to B” series of composer genealogies will trace the path from Buxtehude to Bach. Buxtehude was the organist at the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Lübeck, which is highly acclaimed for its excellent instruments, and there is an anecdote that Bach was deeply fascinated when he heard him play the organ. He composed not only organ music but also many religious works for Protestant churches. This concert will feature “Membra Jesu nostri” and Bach’s cantata, and will offer a genealogy of religious music from the 17th to the 18th century.

 The September concert will feature Bach’s “Messe in h-moll” which was performed to great acclaim by packed audiences in Paris and Madrid during the 2022 European tour. In 2023, the BCJ was the first non-Western European group to perform the finale of the prestigious Bach Fest, performing the same piece at St. Thomas’ Church to great acclaim. This is the triumphant return of Masaaki Suzuki and the BCJ.

  In October, the second installment of the “B to B” series will follow the path from Bach to Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy was deeply fascinated by Bach, so much so that he converted to Lutheranism and revived the “Matthew Passion”. We will perform his masterpiece of symphonic works with chorus, Symphony No. 2 ” Lobgesang”, together with J. S. Bach’s Cantata No. 80 (arranged by W. F. Bach), and enjoy the musical journey leading to the Romantic period.

 In March 2025, the fifth performance of the Choral Cantata Project (Church Cantata Series vol. 89) will feature four chorale cantatas composed in 1724. The 2024-25 season will conclude with Cantata No. 3, ” Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid”.

We hope you will all look forward to Bach Collegium Japan in 2024, as we continue to move forward with new challenges!